How to talk to kids about COVID-19

These are strange times. It can be really hard to explain to children things that we don’t totally understand ourselves. Here’s a script that might help. 

"There is a sickness that is being shared through germs right now. Most people will get a little sick, but some people, like grandparents and already sick people could get a lot sick. Staying home and washing our hands can help people we know from getting a lot sick." 

"A lot of fun things, and things that are important to you are cancelled. That is so disappointing. We can be sad about those things, and think of some fun things to do while we're at home. What ideas do you have?" 

Remember that control is key. Nobody likes to feel powerless. We’re all feeling a little that way right now, but you have a chance to give you children power over some things at this time. Even things that seem minor to you, can go a long way to reducing anxiety by holding down that sense of powerlessness. Can they . . .pick the plates for dinner? Choose which show to watch? Choosing which route you take on your walk? 

Listen actively to your kid's concerns. Something that may seem silly to you, could be connected to a deeper wound or fear that is very real to them.

Also, this is a great time to explain why you’re always telling them to wash their hands and why it’s extra important right now. Here’s a fun little object lesson courtesy of the CDC that might help drive the point home.

One more thing. Do a nightly body-scan. This is a pretty common meditation practice, that will help anxious kids connect with their body, while also reminding them that they aren't sick. 

  • Start with 3 big, deep breaths

  • With their eyes closed (if possible) have them focus on different areas of their body from their head all the way to their toes, flexing and releasing each muscle group

  • Prompt them to notice out loud what they feel 

Stay safe out there friends, and feel free to call our office should you need anything (360-975-3380). We’ll be here.

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